Code of Conduct
Excerpted from Bangor School Department Policy JFC
The Bangor School Department believes that personal and collective achievement across the learning community is enhanced by observing and working toward five core elements of the Code of Conduct: Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, Compassion and Ambition. These expectations apply to all members of the greater Bangor School Department community and extend to all school activities.
Please click here to view the Code of Conduct.
Teachers and Administrators at the James F. Doughty School will help students to learn and practice the Code of Conduct. Staff will consider existing learning and the developmental differences of students when administering a consequence for a violation of the Conduct Code. Behavior related to a child’s disability will be managed consistent with applicable laws and regulations. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, warnings, verbal or written apologies, time out, loss of recess, after school detention, meeting with the principal and/or parents, restitution, and in or out of school suspension.
To view the Conduct Code Policy in its entirety (BSD Policy JFC), you may visit the School Committee’s page on the Bangor School Department website at Bangor Schools or ask to see the policy manual on file in the superintendent’s office.
Cross References: BSD Policy ACAD-Hazing, EBC-Bomb Threats, JICIA-Weapons, Violence and School Safety